Петровка, СВ радиоцентр

Автор DeJar, Березень 23, 2016, 00:50:42

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Немного истории о вещательном центре в Петровке начиная с 2001 года, составленная из сообщений любителей дальнего приёма.
BC-DX 1242, 28 February 2016
edited by Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany

UKRAINE   765 MW Petrivka. I want to tell you sad news. Today I read in
the official group of Radio Mayak-Odessa [765 kHz] that since Febr, 9,
2016 the radiostation is closed because of financial problems.

(Sergei, St Petersburg-RUS, 23 Febr on  <http://mediumwave.info/news.html>
via Mike Terry-UK, dxld Febr 23)

Thanks Sergei and Mike for the news. Is that a temporarily issue?
due to lack of budget money to pay the main power electricity and the
technician staff salaries?

That former USSR jamming MW bcast center is located 60 kms north of

UKR__Odessa Petrivka 1242 {1278} kHz, 30d 20n kW, 150m high mast,
Radio Maiak 765 kHz 100 kW 2 masts
(veiled operation under ITU Starobelsk short call 'STR' during centrally
directed from Moscow capital during Soviet USSR era).

Some Petrivka station history, see below:
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 23, 2016)

Radio ERA, Ukraine. Does anybody know anything about Radio Era from
Ukraine? Is it on MW or FM ? (WRTH 2001 does not list anything like that).
My friend heard it on 9180 kHz (17 Nov 2000, 0605 UTC), seemingly an
unauthorised relay. There is a clear ID (2 or 3 times) on his tape

Radio ERA, Ukraine - is usually carried via the UR1 network in the morning
hrs. 9180 kHz looks like 12 x 765 kHz the frequency of the UR1 tx site at
Petrivka (near Odessa).
(Karel Honzik-CZE, Jan 2, 2001)

Most recent UKR AM news. Yegorov noted activity on 1278 kHz with semi-
domestic sce from Moscow called "Sodruzhestvo" ("s." commonwealth, i.e.
intended for CIS, in Russian). He suspects Petrivka, OD=Odessa [Krimea]
(1300-1900 UT). From my QTH it looks like truth. Addr was announced:
113326 Moskva, Piatnitskaya 25, Radioveshchatelnaya sluzhba "Sodruzhestvo"
(literal transl: "Commonwealth" Broadcasting Service).
(Vlad Titarev-UKR, July 18, 2001)

Well, I feel somebody in Kiev recently signed an aggreement with Moscow BC
authorities for some relays on AM (936 kHz Lviv, now 1278 kHz Odessa
Petrivka) who's next? will see ... This relay is certainly not financed by
the Ukrainian side, VoRUS pays for the relay, just as it pays for the
relays in Germany, Moldova etc.

The Ukrainian operator RRT would of course be glad to activate any of
their HP txs for any paying customer from whatever country.

765 Odesa/Petrivka, Radio Mayak (not common with a Moscow stn!) daytime
1278 Odesa/Petrivka, relays VOR
(Jan 2003)

Of April 2003:
The power usage of the outlets in Petrivka on 765 kHz (Radio Maiak, Odesa)
and 1278 kHz (Voice of Russia) is 75 kW and 50 kW, respectively. The tx on
765 kHz is based on a 20 kW TESLA tx which was modernized and boosted via
40 kW to 75 kW, the unit on 1278 kHz is a 150 kW Shtorm tx which is run on
reduced power.
(Bernd Trutenau via MWDX, Febr 28, 2003; ARC MV-Eko March 17, 2003)

Of August 2006
Petrivka, north of Odesa, seems to have been the home of two shortlived
SW txs for domestic sces in the mid 70s. Hope this clarifies matters.
(Olle Alm-SWE, SW TX site shortwavesites via wwdxc BC-DX Aug 30, 2006)

Of June 2008:
See Radio Maiak, Petrivka in WRTH 2008 page 361.
Two MW masts (1x reserve) and more 18 SW masts visible in G.E.

Seemingly one of the 'veiled' fake VoMoscow tx site calls at ITU UN
Geneve, in Ukrainian SSR / Moldovian SSR  a r e a  during 50ties and
60ties before Griogoriopol-Moldova newly built up from 1972. Like

IVF Ivanofrankovsk  UKR 48N56 024E48
STR Starobelsk      UKR 49N13 037E57 - real Starobelsk is 600kms away -
VIN Vinnitsa        UKR 49N13 028E26

... was one of these many VEILED transmitter site locations of communist
USSR era - centrally directed from Moscow by Mr. Anatoly Titov in late
70ties and 80ties, like for example Sherpukov - probably RC#7 Kurovskaya;
fake Simferopol for real Luch Mykolaiev; fake Starobelsk for real
Petrivka; Nikolaevsk - for real Luch Mykolaiev; veiled Mogilev/Mahiliou
site - registered as Orsha, etc. etc.

Ivano-Frankovsk ??    > Lviv Mukachevo Lypivka or Grigoriopol-MDA
Kalach ??             > St.P.
Kenga ??              > Novosibirsk
Kinghishepp           > St.P.
Konevo ??             > Novosibirsk
Kursk ??              > Balashika  ??
Lazarev               > Komsomolsk Amur  ??
Nishni Novgorod ??
Omsk                  > Tolkyn_RC#7, near Qaraturuk-Kazakhstan
Orenburg ??           > Ashgabat-Turkmenistan
Orsha                 > Moghilev-Mahiliou-Ukraine
Sverdlovsk ??         > Yekaterinburg  ??
Tver/Kalinin          > Taldom
Ulan Ude ??           > Selenginsk  ??
Ulyanovsk             > Kazan
Vinnitsa              > Grigoriopol-Moldova
Volgograd ??          > Armavir-Krasnodar
Voronesh              > Taranivka/Kharkiv or Kuybyshev/Samara
Zhigulevsk-Jigulevsk  > Kuybyshev/Samara
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX June 7, 2008)

History. Reserve channel 1278 kHz 50 kW.

(Viktor Rutkovskiy-RUS, "open-dx", RUSdx Sept 21, 2008 /
Patrick Robic-AUT, A-DX ng Dec 29, 2008)

ITU request entry of Sept 2010:
On shortwave vailed Starobelsk call in USSR era,
but Odessa for MW Petrivka,
now additional registration request Petrivka 1404 kHz 25 kW, 135m mast
46 59 24.50 N  30 53 33.26 E

Of Sept 2011
UKRAINE   765  R Maiak UKR reactivated. Ukrainian Radio Maiak Odessa is
active again on 765 kHz. Heard in Ukrainian in the evening around 1700 UT
and in Russian after 1900 UT. Commercials are in Ukrainian and Russian.

ID: "Radio Maiak Odessa na volnye 765 kilogerts." They announce 765 kHz
only, no FM frequency. TX: Petrivka - Odeska Oblast, 70 kW {real 40kW,
max. 75 kW; see picture of 30 kW TESLA tx below}.
This station is independent of Radia Mayak in Russia.
(Karel Honzik-CZE, direct and via MWcircle Sept 6, 2011)

Of January 2013:
UKRAINE   765  QSL Radio Mayak/Maiak Odessa. 6 Tage nach einem e-mail
Bericht kam eine sehr schoene QSL-Karte von Radio Mayak Odessa auf
765 kHz.

v/s Stanislav Kyselov, QSL Manager. Abgeschickt wurde die Karte in
Tschechien. Ich glaube, da hatte schon einmal jemand diese Antwort
bekommen. Die e-mail Adresse war die, die bei Herman Boel im Adressenteil
(Hans-Dieter Buschau-D, A-DX Jan 10, 2013)

QSL Radio Mayak Odessa. Hallo HDB, Gratulation fuer die QSL, lautet die
Schreibweise auch "Mayak" - wie in Russland auch, irgend jemand hat mich
mal auf "Maiak" in Ukrainisch korrigiert.

So stehts auch im WRTH p379 unter Petrivka, eine alte Radio Liberty Jammer
Station. 60 km noerdlich Odessa bei Petrivka 1242 kHz, kW: 30day 20night,
150m mast, Radio Maiak 765 kHz 100 kW 2 masts
(veiled fake Starobelsk call in USSR era ITU list)
46 59 36.43 N  30 53 48.30 E
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Jan 11, 2013)

Источник: http://rusdx.narod.ru/PLUS/636.txt


спасибо, проанализирую на следю неделе




Можно ещё добавить:
на частоті 1278 КГц мовить радіостанція "Радіо Свобода"
"Радіо Свобода" - на украинском языке. Был утренний и вечерний блок. Если мне не изменяет пямять, вещание было с 6:00 до 9:00 и с 18:00 до 21:00.

літо - на частоті 1278 КГц мовить радіостанція "Глас СХ" (09:00-18:0)
Где-то так:

осінь - на частоті 1278 кГц розпочала мовлення радіостанція "Глас" (09:00-18:00). Транслюється та сама програма, що мовить на частоті 106.6 МГц в Одесі.

літо - на частоті 1278 КГц розпочала мовлення радіостанція "Глас CX" ("Глас СВ") замість трансляції радіостанції "Глас", (09:00-18:00)

на частоті 1278 кГц відновилась трансляція радіостанції "Глас" замість радіостанції "Глас CX", через деякий час мовлення припинилось.


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