DXFM сервер для перевірки Закарпатської області

Автор wd613, Листопад 09, 2024, 17:28:25

Попередня тема - Наступна тема


Good morning, the LEDs are off now, the reception is awesome. I invite everyone to scan
FM Galychyna 102.6 (can only be heard, between local stations), ZahidFm+ 106.0, Zakarpattya on 101.6/101.9/104.4/105.1, russian pirate on 98.3
UR1 Mirzhirya 106.6, Rakhiv 102.2, UR2 91.9


"для перевірки Закарпатській області"

Прохання виправити на Закарпатської. Кожного разу бачити це вже кумарить.
    Подякували за цей пост: admin, wd613


First time hearing Lviv today. Radio Jazz 105.4, signal goes up and down + its between two stations, sadly the antenna is aimed northwest right now, so it cannot use its full potential




Цитата: BanderaTV від Січень 15, 2025, 14:48:15Тюнер недоступний
Interesting. I didn't notice. It works now
Power outage probably, it restarts automatically.


Цитата: wd613 від Січень 15, 2025, 19:51:40Interesting. I didn't notice. It works now
Power outage probably, it restarts automatically.
Десь близько 16:30 повернулося назад


There is a vulnerability in the server software, my server was attacked in the morning with alert messages. Everyone please update your server. If anything has happened, a restart seems to fix it until you update.


0:18 - disappeared. Kiss FM 91.1 still comes
0:26 - Jazz reappeared. Kiss FM gone. Total chaos




Finally got RDS with the help of airplane scatters.
    Подякували за цей пост: admin


RT: Radiotext
    Подякували за цей пост: admin


interesting phenomenon regarding the RadioMv 98.3 pirate, in the morning something is disturbing it, some silence. It would logically be retro radio from miskolc, but I don't hear it + the antenna is V not H. After 11-12AM or so it begins to work normally (although their audio feed dies off like every minute for 10 seconds).  After 17:00 or so of course it's not possible to receive it on my side because of local interference.
Most transmitters have a 50-60Hz background hum, but this pirate has a higher tone, which makes me think that it's some lower grade transmitter (I don't think it has RDS either, because I have received it with clear 25dBf+stereo once in the past and thete was nothing). One thing that is clear is that this transmitter is not far away, it is just weak. The signal never fades, and in the car it already appears at the Ukraine border zone. I really wish someone inside Zakarpattia could pinpoint its location
    Подякували за цей пост: V.dron


the pirate works quite well now, if anyone wants to listen https://jhd6687.store/, if there is silence just wait a minute, their audio keeps dying very very often ))))
another interesting thing is that while there is silence, the audio seems to be mono (single line carrier?), sadly I can't check it on an SDR right now, maybe the signal is just too weak
    Подякували за цей пост: V.dron


Іnteresting situation with pirate radio. In Tyachev, Dobryanskyi and Dubovo, the signal is not received by a regular digital household receiver. Is the fact that the signal is not broadcast from Romania definitely excluded?
    Подякували за цей пост: wd613


Цитата: V.dron від Січень 23, 2025, 15:46:48Іnteresting situation with pirate radio. In Tyachev, Dobryanskyi and Dubovo, the signal is not received by a regular digital household receiver. Is the fact that the signal is not broadcast from Romania definitely excluded?
Here in the city the signal is not received with a TEF+telescopic antenna, I could only receive it with a 15 element yagi on the roof (15+ meters). At the village where the server is now it's currently received with a 3 element antenna on the roof (10m approx).
In the car, in the city there is nothing. Once you go north to the Ukraine border it starts appearing, but still very weak. I made a YouTube video where I receive it in the car (1 meter telescopic antenna on car) - in the village Bercu Nou.
Someone should try it in the Vinohradiv/Khust area, because there it will work 100% with a car receiver.
I haven't gone to the northeast part of the border yet, but if you say that they don't receive it in Dobryanske then that's disappointing : (

Січень 23, 2025, 16:02:38

Here's where I received it in the car, very weak signal but audible.
I don't think it's from Romania but it's not impossible. It would make more sense to be from Ukraine because of what is being transmitted + it only appears in cars when going close to the border.