I personally manage the data for Ukraine on FM List, as is the case with Slovakia and Poland. Unfortunately, detailed data is not published on the Ukrainian side - only the transmitter location and the power TRP. The Polish and Slovak administrations provide very detailed data and it is easier to maintain full data consistency there. Here - to some extent, basing the ERP power on the ITU is the only sensible solution (TRP isn't ERP).
ITU data is published here -
https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-R/terrestrial/brific/Pages/default.aspx - but it is true that reviewing each document separately took me many days.. And the effect of this work is visible on FM List. In turn, I check the data on transmitting objects and polarization here, on
ukrtvr.org - hence the information about mixed polarization in some cases.
I will only add that I follow the decisions of the National Council (
https://www.nrada.gov.ua/) and if something changes, it quickly appears in the database.
I also have an .xlsx file from the Polish UKE, which also made my work easier at one time.