Цитата: Y.A. від Листопад 12, 2024, 12:31:19Привіт! Я з Ужгорода - спробую порозганяти цю тему по місцевих спільнотах, можливо звернуть увагу і прикриють їх. Можеш написати більш-менш звідки саме вони мовлять?
Привіт, відповідаю англійскою цього разу, вибач, сподіваюсь що будеш розуміти, або хтось може переглядати. Я ніколи не використовуваю перекладачи бо вони не точні
The signals are weak. A few months ago my setup was in a village 10km east from my current location, there the signal was stronger for these pirates, but I have moved the setup to my home because the LED street lights in the village ruined the nighttime reception.
I have a 15 element yagi antenna which is quite directional even in V polarization. These pirates only appear if I move the antenna towards the north (Ukraine). It is the strongest from the northern direction, in NE/NW it is weaker but still audible. In other directions there is nothing.
When I had my antenna in the village I clearly remember that the pirates worked 24/7, but here they only seem to appear during the night, it might just be the lack of signal, I am not sure.
I would be very grateful if you could have someone check it, preferrably during the evening or night.