DXFM сервер для перевірки Закарпатської області

Автор wd613, Листопад 09, 2024, 17:28:25

Попередня тема - Наступна тема


New FM server in Uzhhorod open! Locals only mostly (Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary), telescopic antenna, noise from solar panels


Uzhhorod server back with better receiving conditions. All local stations work perfectly now, Mukachevo works well too. Armiya FM 92.5, Khust 88.2/101.9


всім добрий день, очікуйте часті відключення серверу сьогодні, експерементую з положенням антени


Ukraine/Vertical antenna aimed north now on my server. Horizontal antenna is now towards Hungary/Poland
    Подякували за цей пост: Ігор


Hit FM 107.7 Vinohradiv off, now I receive UR1 Nyzhni Studenyi for the first time (but the quality is destroyed at this time because of the LEDs). First time reception for me
    Подякували за цей пост: admin


Receiving 89.1 ROKS and 89.7 Galychyna for the first time (Lviv). Unstable signal because of the distance+mountains
Reveiving UR1 103.3 Skole for the first time. Strong signal but there is another station under it.
Karpatskyi Homin 97.2 Turka appeared for a short time
    Подякували за цей пост: admin




    Подякували за цей пост: admin


Last video for today. I don't want to spam
If you join the server and find that the stations have disappeared, just wait a few minutes, there is a high chance it will appear again (today). This tropo scatter is not stable and works for a few minutes, then it disappears and comes again, until it goes away completely.
Stable reception of 87.5 Fayne Misto right now


    Подякували за цей пост: SzymonPL


My server is back online now after the power outage. Tropo still going on
    Подякували за цей пост: corazon


The server in Uzhhorod will be down for a few days, the owner is having a trip to Dubrichniy and is bringing the TEF.
There might be a temporary webserver there (near the Polish border). Reception should be interesting there, I will notify if it happens
The USB cable adds lots of noise to the signal, it is not possible to make a server.
My server should continue to function normally.






Цитата: wd613 від Березень 03, 2025, 15:30:42
Not sure which station this is
Західний Полюс - це станція з м.Івано-Франківськ.На даний час мовить в Івано-Франківську 104.3 FM , Яблуниця 92.4 FM , Калуш 105.5 FM , Рогатин 97.5 FM , Косів 101.4 FM . Всі передавачі розміщені в Івано-Франківській області.
    Подякували за цей пост: wd613