DXFM сервер для перевірки Закарпатській області

Автор wd613, Листопад 09, 2024, 17:28:25

Попередня тема - Наступна тема


It's too early for 92.5. We need to wait a month if everything will go smoothly.


Server will be down until tomorrow late in the evening. Setting up the big antenna




Server now working with a temporary telescopic antenna setup. Local reception only (Khust, maybe Uzhhorod)


3 element antenna now installed on balcony, the reception is good now.
Next week I will try to install the 15 element antenna





Server back with the Körner 15.12 in V. RadioNV 104.1 works well, it should get RDS with some light tropo. 94.1 Melodiya has no chance (94.0 local), 104.7 Svit works with RDS
Sometimes there is interference from neighbors, but it disappears.


Fixed some bent elements on the yagi and aimed it for half an hour :)
I managed to null out some unwanted stations, lux 105.2 and svit 104.7 are now both perfect with RDS, 101.6 zakarpattya has very strong signal, digi fm has no chance to appear, 102.5 actualitati is weak now too, krayina fm 102.4 has stereo
Edit: it improved A LOT, there are new stations as well, it is worth checking the entire band, 88.9 Nashe is very strong now
Got RDS on RadioNV right now

Грудень 17, 2024, 22:40:55




    Подякували за цей пост: wd613




Цитата: BanderaTV від Грудень 30, 2024, 17:24:00What happened again?
Waiting for a new antenna setup that will arrive in a few days, the server was down for a day or so but now it's back online, still with the old antenna. I am also trying to bring back my old custom theme to the server, but it is very hard because I have to rewrite it as a JavaScript plugin because of the new rules.

Грудень 30, 2024, 21:20:24

Today my local 87.9 is not working, so we have the last station from Uzhhorod that I could not receive!
I noticed that their audio feed interrupts sometimes, like every few minutes.
So join and let's enjoy this Shlyager FM until the local station doesn't come back :)