DXFM сервер для перевірки Закарпатської області

Автор wd613, Листопад 09, 2024, 17:28:25

Попередня тема - Наступна тема


також вибачаюсь за те, якщо щось не буду знати, бо раніше займався падіоаматорством, а тепер зацікавився fm-dx
    Подякували за цей пост: V.dron, wd613


Huculske 102.3 is now playing some news stream, but the Espresso stream doesn't match, hmm...


Цитата: wd613 від Січень 29, 2025, 15:42:37Huculske 102.3 is now playing some news stream, but the Espresso stream doesn't match, hmm...
Так вони можуть транслювати програми в записі, необов'язково щоб співпадали з основною трансляцією телеканалу.
    Подякували за цей пост: wd613


Zakarpattya 104.4 off(?), receiving Lvivska Khvylia. Very weak signal but can be recognized. Stream matches
    Подякували за цей пост: corazon


    Подякували за цей пост: corazon


People keep trying Uzhhorod stations on the server, the antenna is aimed north so they will not work well. I'm sure the new Uzhhorod server will be full with users when it opens, it's a high demand location apparently haha



Receiving Lvivska Khvylia 104.4 today as well. The signal is a little stronger today, but nowhere near clear. The problem is that this station has very wide modulation (classic Zakarpattya), and it is next to UR1 Velyki Bereznyi which is also very wide..
15:56 - It's becoming stronger, locking the server for a while.
16:13 - it didn't get stronger than 12dBf, server unlocked


After the continuous bullying from FMDX .org staff, I had enough. I am removing the server from their services forever (tunnel, map) please avoid this community... The servers will be accessible only from the domains. Same for the Uzhhorod server (coming soon, approx one week).

The new domains will be as follows:
zk.jhd6687.store - For north Zakarpattya reception, location: Satu Mare, Romania
uz.jhd6687.store - For northwest Zakarpattya reception, location: Uzhhorod, Ukraine (Coming soon, by denbitlian)

The main jhd6687.store domain will host a different site that is unrelated to the DX servers.
It might take time for the DNS servers to flush, so depending on your DNS server you might need to wait a bit.
I am very thankful for the visitors from UKRTVR, you are all welcome.
In the future I will try to make one more server, but I cannot promise anything.


    Подякували за цей пост: corazon



    Подякували за цей пост: corazon


Direction changed to north-east. Scatters from Buchach, Ternopil, etc, worth checking the band
87.5 Fayne Misto, Hit FM 105.6, 102.2 UR1 Rakhiv with RDS
Except the band to be unusable at night (same direction as LEDs)
    Подякували за цей пост: SzymonPL


всім добрий вечір, сервер буде затриманий із-за чудової укр пошти( воно вже стоїть на митниці десь 3 дня, коли більшості моїх посилок з китаю проходять цю митницю за лічені хвилини або години (миштастик і тд)


UPD: tef пропустили через митний контроль, буде через 2 дні


    Подякували за цей пост: corazon


TEF arrived in Mukachevo, we might have the Uzhhorod server by tomorrow already, but not sure
    Подякували за цей пост: V.dron