ТРМ в Закарпатській області

Автор admin, Квітень 30, 2009, 16:37:33

Попередня тема - Наступна тема


    Подякували за цей пост: admin


23:55, most Uzhhorod TXes off. 104.7, 105.7 and 100.9 still work. Maintenance maybe



no sound, RDS only


Hit FM 100.9 did something with their modulation, it's much wider and louder, harder to receive. 107.7 was wide already.


Radio7 88.6 back with sound, same problem as before.
    Подякували за цей пост: admin


I think 93.6 UR3 is not always on. I have totally lost the signal today, and it happens very often. I don't think it can disappear like this.
The propagation is just weird. The signal changes constantly, to the point where it can disappear