ТРМ в Закарпатській області

Автор admin, Квітень 30, 2009, 16:37:33

Попередня тема - Наступна тема


Цитата: admin від Березень 18, 2025, 20:45:19It's a report for 2024. Enjoy 🇺🇦 administration efficiency level.
Oof.. radio in Zakarpattia is a wild world.. Having RDS is a luxury, the bandwidth is either Walkie Talkie (UR1 Krasna + UR1 Mirzhirya) or Щубець Стайл (Hit FM, SvitFM+ZakarpattyaFM, R.Khust), pirate operating for a year and nothing hapenning, signal escapes into foreign country, meanwhile, authentic transmitters have the poorest coverage ever. They're putting the worst transmitters in the best locations. 1400m peaks with 10-50 watts of transmit power. Radio Khust 89.1, "came back" after two or more years of inactivity, only do disappear again after just one week. Defect transmitters that keep running (Radio7 Lysychovo 88.6), even if no one can listen to them. Waste of electric energy.
I was in Ukraine a few weeks ago and made a drive through Beregovo and Mukachevo, the 98.3 station has perfect coverage everywhere once you cross the border, and worked the whole trip, in stereo quality. In a region with hills, authentic stations started to struggle and lose signal, meanwhile the pirate was unaffected. They have a better transmitting location than the legal stations.. (asumming it's on that 200m hill near the village)
Welcome to Zakarpattia!


New pirate on 99.7 )))))) I love Zakarpattia
They play remixed songs, ZahidFm+ style
There is some speech but nothing can be understood, they randomly change the volume as well
Now I understood a bit, it's Ukrainian, "доброго ранку, з вами радио ..??"
10:50 - now they're playing Ukrainian songs
Please let me know if anyone receives it inside Zakarpattia. My antenna is aimed towards Khust/Irshava approx
This is the last video I found from when he was speaking, ever since he's been playing music only. This new pirate is very exciting, the songs are good
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